Glass jar candles remain the most popular way of keeping the wax and wick of a candle contained, however, glass can still face issues when exposed to serious heat.
Can candle glass explode? Absolutely yes, although it is not an incredibly common occurrence. Candle fires are more common than glass container candles suddenly exploding into shards.
A candle explosion can happen for all kinds of reasons, and you don't need to be a candle expert like us to see why sudden explosions might be dangerous in your home.
Candle flame can be a dreadful fire hazard if not cared for correctly, so the average candle shopper should know the very basics of candle safety rules before purchase.
In the modern world, candle usage is still increasing despite the use of electric lights and heaters. Instead, glass container candles are more designed for scented candles.
Scents from candles can keep your home smelling fresh, and they come with all kinds of perfumes so you can pick and choose the ideal option for your own preferences.
Traditional candles used for light are very rare thanks to the advent of electricity and power across the world, but this new type of candle keeps safety at the forefront.
Beautiful scents and the scent benefits are one thing, but why exactly does a glass candle jar explode? Are there other candle container alternatives? Are there other dangers to know about?
Luckily for you, we're here to help answer all of these questions and more. So let's find out together what exactly you must consider
There are a number of reasons that candle glass might explode, suddenly shatter, or otherwise weaken. Mostly, this is a result of excessive heat.
Although glass isn't flammable, heat can damage the structural integrity of the material, leading to shatters and candle fires.
An already busted candle jar is also incredibly dangerous, as hot wax may leak and cause this heat to spread even more than it usually does.
Contact with candle wax into broken pieces of your favorite candles and jars will lead to the jars for candles exploding more often than not.
Thankfully, a glass style candle that isn't already damaged is very unlikely to suddenly explode without reason, and it is rather uncommon.
Heat resistant glass is being increasingly used in candle making, and is suggested for any homemade candles you plan on designing.
Although you can get other quality glass, heat resistance is the main factor standing between a structurally sound wick jar candle and one that suddenly explodes.
Of course there are many benefits of candles that you can't do without, and many people have their own preferred candle types.
For the die hard glass candle lover, we should reiterate that it is very unlikely for your candle to explode, and that this article shouldn't stop you from buying a glass wax candle.
No one style of candle compared to another is better or worse really, although considering the pros and cons of them all is a smart thing to do.
In fact, candles are so common that they may have become a hazard without our knowledge. Hence why it’s important to know how to safely use candles every day of the year.
One mantra for candle safety when choosing a candle is to determine the type of candle by looking at its wick (circular or square) and how tall it is. Shorter ones burn faster than taller ones.
Next, determine how far away from the flame you want your candle to be placed. Keeping the flame a decent distance from flammable materials or ledges to prevent falls is ideal.
Also consider where you want your candle flame directed— upward into an air vent or downward into an object like a pumpkin or wreath base.
Lastly, pay attention to how the flame looks when you light the candle. Do the flames look like tongues of fire licking the wick? Is there smoke coming from the flame?
These can be dangerous signs, and can lead to unwanted accidents. Proper safety precautions are often just common sense precautions, so try and use your better judgement when handling a candle.
You will also want to store a candle in the perfect storage temperature, no more than 85°F. This is to avoid sudden lighting of the candle at its flash point temperature.
Not sure why does your candle glass turn black? Check this out!
To get the scent benefits out of a candle without unwanted glass jar accidents, then you may choose a different material for your candle container.
You can get a classic scent of fruit or flowers no matter the container. Metal tin candles are a popular choice in the modern age.
Although unlikely to explode, metal does retain heat for longer than glass, making them difficult to pick up and move after you blow it out.
Outdoor candles designed to withstand sudden gusts of wind also make cute candles for summer evenings, however they are less likely to have a strong smell at times thanks to air dilution.
The scent throw (smell range) remains intact on indoor candles, metal or glass are really your only options as the non-flammable materials are ideal for most candles.
Looking for answers if can a candle in a glass jar is safe or not. Read this.
So what do you do if the candle which reaches its flash point temperature while in storage? Well don't go grabbing a glass of water.
Instead, try and keep some baking soda handy to cover the out of control candle flame, and smother it completely.
Coating the flame in baking soda will deprive the candle of oxygen, cutting out one of the three things that a fire needs to keep burning. The other two being heat and fuel.
Water shouldn't be used on candle fires, as melted wax turns into a viscous oil. As such, it is better to treat them as you would an oil fire.
The danger of water exposure to a candle wax flame will often leave leftover candle wax spilling over, spreading the flame and causing more harm than good.
Introducing wax to water is a very dangerous combination, and one you should by no means engage with at all.
If you're worried about sudden candle fires and explosions, you don't need to be. More often than not, they are freak accidents in otherwise well engineered and designed products.
Still, there are plenty of alternatives for candles available on the market, should you choose to switch away from having open flames unattended in your house.
Electric candles for instance are a popular substitute. Leaving them for long amounts of time can avoid the same problems letting a wick burn might, including retained heat in a glass jar.
Electric alternatives give you a chance of a safe time with a candle light, although it won't end up producing any smells at all.
For that, try out a reed diffuser instead. Avoiding chemical aerosols, these are a natural way of getting your home to smell fresh and floral.
A candle warmer can also take some of the pressure off your glass, by absorbing some excess heat into it rather than letting it damage the glass jar.
Excessive soot on a wick can also cause a candle explosion, as the fire gets jumpy. Candle fires are oil fires, and can be difficult to put out.
Introducing wax to water sources is also another way candle explosions are caused, as the oil spreads the fire with the excessive amounts of water you are likely to pour on it.
A source of water is step one to putting out most fires, but a large quantity of water can have your candle explode out of control in minutes.
The vaporization of water is a quick process, so you are better off covering the flame fast with something that isn't flammable at all, or using a fire extinguisher.
Moreover, we have also written an article about fixing broken candles in glass jars. It will help if you read it.